Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Know your Country - India

Following are the India Area and Boundaries details :-
  • India stretches 3,214 km from N to S & 2933 km from E to W.
  • Area:- 32,87,263 sq. km. Accounts for 2.4 % of total world area and 16 % of the population
  • Mainland India has a coastline of 6,100 km. Including the Lakshadweep and Andaman and Nicobar, the coastline measures about 7516. km
  • In India, total land mass is
    1. Plains : - 43.3 %
    2. Plateaus :- 27.7 %
    3. Hills :- 18.6 %
    4. Mountains:- 10.7 %
  • In the south, on the eastern side, the Gulf of Mannar & the Palk Strait separate India from Sri Lanka
  • Total land neighbours of India are 7 . These are
    1. Pakistan
    2. Afghanistan
    3. China
    4. Nepal
    5. Nepal
    6. Bhutan
    7. Bangladesh and
    8. Myanmar
  • India’s Islands include the Andaman & Nicobar Islands in Bay of Bangal & Lakshadweep, Minocy & Amindive Islands in the Arabian Sea
  • Courtesy:

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